Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quick Change Performance on l-Istrina – Malta – Dec 09

The Quick Change Artists were invited to perform at the annual l-lstrina fund raising event which takes place annually in Malta to raise money for underprivileged people of Malta. The event was held in the Lufthansa Technik hangar in Luqa, which was transformed into a huge television studio. Similar to the UK events – Comic Relief and Children in Need – the event ran for 12 hours and raised over 2 million euros which was a record high for the event.
The Costume Change Artists were honoured to be the only International Act ever to appear at the event. Not only did they perform for the entire population of Malta as the show was broadcast on every TV station across Malta, they were fortunate enough to be entertaining the President and Prime Minster of Malta as well as the leaders of the apposition parties.
The Quick Change Act was enjoyed by everyone and the Quick Change Artists were pleased to perform at such a prestigious event for the country.

The event was held on 26th Dec 09 and was the most successful year on record!

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