Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quick Change Artists drive from UK to Sweden to fulfill Paper Conference Event!

The International Quick Change Artists have just returned after a very long road trip to Sweden! Since the volcanic eruption and the problems with the flights occurring close to this last event the costume change artists - Keelan and Charlotte decided it would be safer to make alternative travel arrangements in order to ensure they made it to the Paper Conference in time for their performance at the gala dinner.

Keelan and Charlotte set off from the UK on Friday night to catch the overnight ferry from Harwich to Hoek of Holland, then drove from Holland to Gothenburg, North Sweden on Saturday totally 13 hours drive. The event was held on Monday night in the SAS Radisson Hotel combined with the dinner in an old style restaurant come theatre which was 200 years old. The Quick Change Artists performed after the main course for the guests and the theme of "Change" was one that was very happy to be taken on after much controversy surrounding the recent paper strikes in Sweden. The delegates enjoyed the show and expressed their amazement when the Quick Change Artists got to meet some of them after the event.

Shortly after the Quick Change Performance, Keelan and Charlotte headed back onto the road in order to catch the Tuesday overnight ferry back to the UK.

Despite the extremely long road trip, when it should have been a very short flight, the Quick Change Artists appreciated a change from the normal "airport routine" and got to drive across 4 different countries and saw the more scenic route of them all!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Hocus Pocus - Cairo Magic Show featuring Quick Change Artists - April 10

Keelan and Charlotte the Costume Change Artists were delighted to be invited back to Cairo to perform for Events Plus in their second Magic Show in Cairo. The Quick Change Artists performed at the first ever magic show in Cairo organised by the same company last April which was a fabulous show and the Quick Change Artists met some legends of magic.

The second Magic Show was scheduled to be held in December, and the Quick Change Act were disappointed when they were informed that the show had been cancelled due to the Swine Flu outbreak. Government regulations had banned all large scale public events to reduce the risk of the infection spreading. Keelan and Charlotte were informed that the show would be postponed until 2010.

Thankfully when the dates had been decided for the shows in 2010 – Keelan and Charlotte were not already booked like some of the other acts that were due to appear in the show who were forced to pull out of the show. The Cairo Magic Show was sponsored by Mobinil and of the 6 shows the Quick Change Artists were performing in, 2 of these were booked out by clients and employees of the Mobile Phone network. The other 3 shows were open to the public through ticket sales and the sixth show was a charity event that was held for 1500 Egyptian orphans who were invited to come and watch the show for free.

The Egyptian crowd are very appreciative audience and responded well to all of the acts. The Quick Change Artists were closing the show with their spectacular Costume Change Act. Opening the show was German Magician – Tim Marc, followed by Comedy Magician – Michael Finney, then expert manipulator Danny Cole from the USA, then Scottish Dark Comedian Magicians – Barry and Stuart. The entire cast of entertainers were a wonderful group and everyone had a fabulous time.

The Cairo Magic Show was really well marketed and there were TV and Radio Adverts and large bill boards all over Cairo advertising the show.

Overall a very successful production show which hopefully will continue to bring the magic to Cairo, Egypt next year as well!

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Quick Change for Cricket Team - India – Mumbai – April 10

A very quick and last minute trip came up for International Costume Change Artists Keelan and Charlotte, as they were invited only several days prior to the event to perform at a prestigious event in Mumbai. They did not know who they were performing for until they reached Mumbai earlier this month. Upon arrival they were told they would be performing for the Indian Cricket Team. Seeing as Cricket is India’s number one sport it was the equivalent of performing of the England Football team!

The event was held in a 5* Hotel in the centre of Mumbai and the Dress Change Artists were the only International Act but did get to perform alongside one of India’s most talented musicians. It was a real honor for the British Quick Change Artists to perform for the Indian Cricket Team, who they got to meet after the performance. They were a fantastic crowd and the event was a private one sponsored by a telecommunications network. The Quick Change Artists stayed one night in Mumbai before jetting back to London to catch their next flight to Cairo.

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Quick Change for Trade Shows - Leipzig – Germany – March 10

Quick Change Artists had a brief but eventful trip to Germany this month. Keelan and Charlotte were booked to perform for the final night farewell dinner of a technology trade show event held at the Convention Centre in Leipzig.

The show went down very well considering complications with the luggage arriving extremely late from Berlin and putting the show in jeopardy. After all the stress it was worth while in the end as the 2000 strong crowd erupted with applause during the performance showing their appreciation for the amazing fast costume change act.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Costume Change Act used for Marketing Campaign – Kuwait – Feb 10

The Quick Change Artists have just recently returned for a fleeting trip to Kuwait where they were booked to perform their amazing costume change act.

They were booked as part of a promotional and marketing campaign – the event was held in a cinema which made it really different and many large name brands were exhibiting at the event. The Quick Change Artists, were brought in to entertain the invited guests with their jaw dropping performance, however there was an extra twist in this quick change act – the final costume had been adapted to incorporate one of the event sponsors logo. Mobile phone giant – Zain – formally known as Vodafone in Kuwait. The reaction to the final dress change was outstanding when the audience saw the branded dress they went crazy!

The Quick Change Show went down fantastically and the branding on the dress makes another USP for International Costume Change Artists – Keelan and Charlotte!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Close up Magician performs at Celebrity Wedding and is featured in Hello Magazine!

Close Up Magician and Quick Change Artist, Keelan Leyser recently performed his close up magic tricks at a celebrity wedding and went on to be mentioned in "Hello" Magazine.

Alex Walkinshaw, actor from the Popular TV Series "The Bill" had Keelan perform his tricks to his and his new wife Sarah's friends and family. The wedding was held at a beautiful venue in Greenwich, London where many of his celebrity friends joined the couple to celebrate their marriage.

"Hello" Magazine were given the exclusive photos to their wedding and was made a big feature in this weeks Hello Magazine. Close up Magician, Keelan was given a mention in their feature.

Keelan started off in the magic business as a full time close up magician but is now better known for his Quick Change Costume Act with partner Charlotte Marie, which takes them all over the World for performances.

If you are looking for UK magicians for your event to perhaps walk around the tables performing close up magic, mix and mingle style then go to to hire magicians from the UK.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Quick Change Artists featured in Times of India!

International Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie were featured last week in the National Newspaper of India - The Times of India in the celebrity pages.

The Article read:

FOR THE LOVE OF CRICKET: British High Commissioner of India - Richard Stagg hosted a small get together to celebrate the opening of T20 World Cup. The venue was done up according to the theme, with big cut outs of cricket bats and a huge screen to watch the match live.

TRIPLE TREAT: Before the screening of the opening match of the T20 World Cup stand up comedian Vikram Sathe entertained the gathering. Magicians Keelan and Charlotte, from Britain also mesmerised the guest with their tricks.


The Costume Change Artists hope to be heading back to India later this year for more corporate events and private parties.

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