Monday, December 7, 2009

Quick Change Artists Launch New Flag Ship Vodafone Store in Cairo

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie - International Quick Change Artists were delighted to perform at the opening of the new flagship Vodafone store in the centre of Cairo.

This was the costume change artists second trip to Egypt which took place back in October.

The event was held for all the top bosses of Vodafone in the brand new store. The message of "Change" was the theme of the evening as the new store was very futuristic.

Keelan also entertained the guests by performing close up magic after the costume change performance, which went down an absolute storm.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Close up Magician performs at Celebrity Wedding and is featured in Hello Magazine!

Close Up Magician and Quick Change Artist, Keelan Leyser recently performed his close up magic tricks at a celebrity wedding and went on to be mentioned in "Hello" Magazine.

Alex Walkinshaw, actor from the Popular TV Series "The Bill" had Keelan perform his tricks to his and his new wife Sarah's friends and family. The wedding was held at a beautiful venue in Greenwich, London where many of his celebrity friends joined the couple to celebrate their marriage.

"Hello" Magazine were given the exclusive photos to their wedding and was made a big feature in this weeks Hello Magazine. Close up Magician, Keelan was given a mention in their feature.

Keelan started off in the magic business as a full time close up magician but is now better known for his Quick Change Costume Act with partner Charlotte Marie, which takes them all over the World for performances.

If you are looking for UK magicians for your event to perhaps walk around the tables performing close up magic, mix and mingle style then go to to hire magicians from the UK.

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