Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quick Change Artists drive from UK to Sweden to fulfill Paper Conference Event!

The International Quick Change Artists have just returned after a very long road trip to Sweden! Since the volcanic eruption and the problems with the flights occurring close to this last event the costume change artists - Keelan and Charlotte decided it would be safer to make alternative travel arrangements in order to ensure they made it to the Paper Conference in time for their performance at the gala dinner.

Keelan and Charlotte set off from the UK on Friday night to catch the overnight ferry from Harwich to Hoek of Holland, then drove from Holland to Gothenburg, North Sweden on Saturday totally 13 hours drive. The event was held on Monday night in the SAS Radisson Hotel combined with the dinner in an old style restaurant come theatre which was 200 years old. The Quick Change Artists performed after the main course for the guests and the theme of "Change" was one that was very happy to be taken on after much controversy surrounding the recent paper strikes in Sweden. The delegates enjoyed the show and expressed their amazement when the Quick Change Artists got to meet some of them after the event.

Shortly after the Quick Change Performance, Keelan and Charlotte headed back onto the road in order to catch the Tuesday overnight ferry back to the UK.

Despite the extremely long road trip, when it should have been a very short flight, the Quick Change Artists appreciated a change from the normal "airport routine" and got to drive across 4 different countries and saw the more scenic route of them all!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Quick Change for Trade Shows - Leipzig – Germany – March 10

Quick Change Artists had a brief but eventful trip to Germany this month. Keelan and Charlotte were booked to perform for the final night farewell dinner of a technology trade show event held at the Convention Centre in Leipzig.

The show went down very well considering complications with the luggage arriving extremely late from Berlin and putting the show in jeopardy. After all the stress it was worth while in the end as the 2000 strong crowd erupted with applause during the performance showing their appreciation for the amazing fast costume change act.

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International Quick Change at Shree Cement India – Feb 10

Quick Change Artists – Keelan and Charlotte return to India yet again, to perform for one of the largest cement companies in India. Shree Cement were holding 2 private events for their clients and invited employees. The first of the two events was held at the cement plant itself and 20,000 employees were invited to watch the spectacular event. The show was comprised of 3 international acts, as well as Bollywood singers and Dancers and the winners of India’s Got Talent. The Quick Change Artists were excited to perform for such a large crowd – the equivalent of a music concert. Their amazing costume change show was very well received by the large crowd.

The second show was a much more intimate affair – being held in a 300 seat theatre. This show was mainly for the clients of Shree Cement and was invited guests. Keelan and Charlotte had a great time performing in India and got to meet some other International artists while out there. The trip co-insided with the Indian festival of colours. The quick change act which is full of bright colours and changing costumes was a perfect warm up for the eve of the colours festival and very well received by the theatre crowd.

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Costume Change Performance at Equate 2009 – Kuwait – Feb 10

Whilst on their fleeting trip to Kuwait – Keelan and Charlotte – amazing Quick Change Artists were able to squeeze in a second performance of their super fast dress change act at the annual “Equate” Awards. The awards are given to employees of the company celebrating their performance, achievements and excellence for 2009! As part of the entertainment schedule The Quick Change Artists were invited to perform for the 800 guests attending the event in the Mariott Hotel, Kuwait City.

Both the audience and the clients were ecstatic with the costume change performances given by Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie.

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quick Change Performance on l-Istrina – Malta – Dec 09

The Quick Change Artists were invited to perform at the annual l-lstrina fund raising event which takes place annually in Malta to raise money for underprivileged people of Malta. The event was held in the Lufthansa Technik hangar in Luqa, which was transformed into a huge television studio. Similar to the UK events – Comic Relief and Children in Need – the event ran for 12 hours and raised over 2 million euros which was a record high for the event.
The Costume Change Artists were honoured to be the only International Act ever to appear at the event. Not only did they perform for the entire population of Malta as the show was broadcast on every TV station across Malta, they were fortunate enough to be entertaining the President and Prime Minster of Malta as well as the leaders of the apposition parties.
The Quick Change Act was enjoyed by everyone and the Quick Change Artists were pleased to perform at such a prestigious event for the country.

The event was held on 26th Dec 09 and was the most successful year on record!

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Costume Change Artists perform for H&M at the Sonia Rykiel Collaboration Launch!

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie - International Quick Change Artists have just got back from performing at the H&M and Sonia Rykiel Collaboration Launch held at the Grand Palais in Paris.

The event was huge, with 2000 invited guests - it completely took over the Grand Palais Exhibition Centre located in central Paris. The venue was transformed into a mini Paris, which comprised of a 60m tall Effiel Tower covered in over 100,000 fairy lights as well as a Arc De Triomphe that cracked in half at the start of the fashion show. There were many huge designers attending the event and there was no expense spared!

The Quick Change Artists were given their own performance area known as Le Mystere! They performed their spectacular quick dress change act several times throughout the night, and the quirkiness of the act fitted in perfectly!

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Quick Change Artists in Ancient Egyptian Temple

The International Quick Change Artists - Keelan and Charlotte were privileged enough to be invited to perform in the Ancient Habu Temple in Luxor, Egypt for a private function held by Pepsi for the Directors of Pepsi - Middle East.

The Habu Temple was hired specifically for this private function and after many complications with restrictions, Pepsi were told they were the last ever client to privately hire this Temple as the Egyptian Government have now put restrictions in regarding private events in ancient temples. So the Quick Change Artists, were the last entertainers to ever perform in the Temple, so felt very privileged indeed!

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Quick Change Artists perform for 10th Anniversary Celebration

Budapest's premier shopping centre - WestEnd recently celebrated its 10th Anniversary and as part of the celebration required the incredible Costume Change Magic Act of Keelan and Charlotte.

The Quick Change Artists flew into Budapest for the weekend event, which was actually held as a private function within the shopping centre, organised by WestEnd's owner.

They performed their Quick Change Magic Act as the finale to the fashion show which was put together by some of the stores within the WestEnd Shopping Centre for a showcase of their winter collections.

The Quick Change Artists only had a fleeting visit to Hungary before heading back to Egypt.

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Quick Change Artists Launch New Flag Ship Vodafone Store in Cairo

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie - International Quick Change Artists were delighted to perform at the opening of the new flagship Vodafone store in the centre of Cairo.

This was the costume change artists second trip to Egypt which took place back in October.

The event was held for all the top bosses of Vodafone in the brand new store. The message of "Change" was the theme of the evening as the new store was very futuristic.

Keelan also entertained the guests by performing close up magic after the costume change performance, which went down an absolute storm.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Quick Change Artists in India

The International Quick Change Duo are currently back performing in India. Less than a week after leaving Istanbul, Turkey, they found themselves jetting back to Mumbai for a 4 city tour of India yet again.

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie are performing at the Ultra Tech Cement Companies industry awards ceremony and have completed the first of four shows starting in Goa.

The Quick Change Artists will be returning to the UK for a short period at the end of this month before heading off to their next International destination for the beginning of October.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Quick Change Artists in Istanbul, Turkey

The UK's Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie, are currently in Istanbul, Turkey, as they perform their Quick Change Act to launch the opening of the brand new 212 Shopping Mall in Istanbul.

The Quick Change Artists, appeared live on a Turkish TV show on Friday to promote the opening of the 212 Shopping Mall happening the following day. They also performed their Quick Change Act for the Turkish Press at the opening ceremony after the ribbon was officially cut. The Quick Change Magicians went on to perform 2 public shows that same day as part of the opening celebrations.

They are performing a total of 17 Quick Change shows during this visit to Istanbul, Turkey.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Close up Magician performs at Celebrity Wedding and is featured in Hello Magazine!

Close Up Magician and Quick Change Artist, Keelan Leyser recently performed his close up magic tricks at a celebrity wedding and went on to be mentioned in "Hello" Magazine.

Alex Walkinshaw, actor from the Popular TV Series "The Bill" had Keelan perform his tricks to his and his new wife Sarah's friends and family. The wedding was held at a beautiful venue in Greenwich, London where many of his celebrity friends joined the couple to celebrate their marriage.

"Hello" Magazine were given the exclusive photos to their wedding and was made a big feature in this weeks Hello Magazine. Close up Magician, Keelan was given a mention in their feature.

Keelan started off in the magic business as a full time close up magician but is now better known for his Quick Change Costume Act with partner Charlotte Marie, which takes them all over the World for performances.

If you are looking for UK magicians for your event to perhaps walk around the tables performing close up magic, mix and mingle style then go to to hire magicians from the UK.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Quick Change Artists featured in Times of India!

International Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie were featured last week in the National Newspaper of India - The Times of India in the celebrity pages.

The Article read:

FOR THE LOVE OF CRICKET: British High Commissioner of India - Richard Stagg hosted a small get together to celebrate the opening of T20 World Cup. The venue was done up according to the theme, with big cut outs of cricket bats and a huge screen to watch the match live.

TRIPLE TREAT: Before the screening of the opening match of the T20 World Cup stand up comedian Vikram Sathe entertained the gathering. Magicians Keelan and Charlotte, from Britain also mesmerised the guest with their tricks.


The Costume Change Artists hope to be heading back to India later this year for more corporate events and private parties.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quick Change Artists Perform for British High Commissioner in India

While the Quick Change Artists were away in India performing for ESPN and Star Sports Channel, they extended their trip as they were invited to performed for the British High Commissioner of India at an event that was another celebration of the Cricket World Cup. The event was held at the High Commissioner's private residence which happened to be opposite the President of India's house in New Delhi. A live feed of the cricket was broadcast from the UK along with a performance from an Indian comedian and closing the show was the British Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie.

Keelan and Charlotte were honored to perform at this private event and got to meet the High Commission himself and a lot of the British staff working at the British Embassy in India, which was a pleasant surprise to perform for Brits outside of the UK.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Quick Change Artists perform in Europe!

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie, the UK's only Quick Change Act have just got back from performing their quick change magic and illusion show in Rome, Italy last weekend.

The British couple who have been performing the Quick Change Act for around 4 years enjoyed a short trip to Italy last weekend, which made a pleasant change to perform in Europe.

The Quick Change Artists spend most of their time outside the UK as there is a high demand for their incredible dress change magic in Asia, especially in India. Keelan and Charlotte find themselves, frequently flying back and forth from India to perform at so many different corporate events and parties.

To perform in Rome, Italy was a lovely change. A short flight and a short trip made it very enjoyable. The event was put on by General Motors as a celebration for their Asian Pacific top sales people.

The event was held in a beautiful villa overlooking the whole of the city of Rome. The Quick Change Artists were booked to perform two acts - the Origami Illusion as the opening for the show and their quick change act as the closer to the show. The majority of the audience did not speak English, so being that both acts are so visual, they went down a storm!

After the show over the weekend, the Quick Change Artists took a couple of extra days to explore the ancient city and had a fantastic time.

Next stop... India - 5 shows for ESPN!

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