Friday, April 16, 2010

Hocus Pocus - Cairo Magic Show featuring Quick Change Artists - April 10

Keelan and Charlotte the Costume Change Artists were delighted to be invited back to Cairo to perform for Events Plus in their second Magic Show in Cairo. The Quick Change Artists performed at the first ever magic show in Cairo organised by the same company last April which was a fabulous show and the Quick Change Artists met some legends of magic.

The second Magic Show was scheduled to be held in December, and the Quick Change Act were disappointed when they were informed that the show had been cancelled due to the Swine Flu outbreak. Government regulations had banned all large scale public events to reduce the risk of the infection spreading. Keelan and Charlotte were informed that the show would be postponed until 2010.

Thankfully when the dates had been decided for the shows in 2010 – Keelan and Charlotte were not already booked like some of the other acts that were due to appear in the show who were forced to pull out of the show. The Cairo Magic Show was sponsored by Mobinil and of the 6 shows the Quick Change Artists were performing in, 2 of these were booked out by clients and employees of the Mobile Phone network. The other 3 shows were open to the public through ticket sales and the sixth show was a charity event that was held for 1500 Egyptian orphans who were invited to come and watch the show for free.

The Egyptian crowd are very appreciative audience and responded well to all of the acts. The Quick Change Artists were closing the show with their spectacular Costume Change Act. Opening the show was German Magician – Tim Marc, followed by Comedy Magician – Michael Finney, then expert manipulator Danny Cole from the USA, then Scottish Dark Comedian Magicians – Barry and Stuart. The entire cast of entertainers were a wonderful group and everyone had a fabulous time.

The Cairo Magic Show was really well marketed and there were TV and Radio Adverts and large bill boards all over Cairo advertising the show.

Overall a very successful production show which hopefully will continue to bring the magic to Cairo, Egypt next year as well!

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Costume Change Act used for Marketing Campaign – Kuwait – Feb 10

The Quick Change Artists have just recently returned for a fleeting trip to Kuwait where they were booked to perform their amazing costume change act.

They were booked as part of a promotional and marketing campaign – the event was held in a cinema which made it really different and many large name brands were exhibiting at the event. The Quick Change Artists, were brought in to entertain the invited guests with their jaw dropping performance, however there was an extra twist in this quick change act – the final costume had been adapted to incorporate one of the event sponsors logo. Mobile phone giant – Zain – formally known as Vodafone in Kuwait. The reaction to the final dress change was outstanding when the audience saw the branded dress they went crazy!

The Quick Change Show went down fantastically and the branding on the dress makes another USP for International Costume Change Artists – Keelan and Charlotte!

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Costume Change Artists perform for H&M at the Sonia Rykiel Collaboration Launch!

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie - International Quick Change Artists have just got back from performing at the H&M and Sonia Rykiel Collaboration Launch held at the Grand Palais in Paris.

The event was huge, with 2000 invited guests - it completely took over the Grand Palais Exhibition Centre located in central Paris. The venue was transformed into a mini Paris, which comprised of a 60m tall Effiel Tower covered in over 100,000 fairy lights as well as a Arc De Triomphe that cracked in half at the start of the fashion show. There were many huge designers attending the event and there was no expense spared!

The Quick Change Artists were given their own performance area known as Le Mystere! They performed their spectacular quick dress change act several times throughout the night, and the quirkiness of the act fitted in perfectly!

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Quick Change Artists Launch New Flag Ship Vodafone Store in Cairo

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie - International Quick Change Artists were delighted to perform at the opening of the new flagship Vodafone store in the centre of Cairo.

This was the costume change artists second trip to Egypt which took place back in October.

The event was held for all the top bosses of Vodafone in the brand new store. The message of "Change" was the theme of the evening as the new store was very futuristic.

Keelan also entertained the guests by performing close up magic after the costume change performance, which went down an absolute storm.

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Costume Change Act at Crystal Awards

International Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie, were invited to perform at the prestigious HT City Crystal Awards held in Delhi back in October.

The biggest names in food and beverage came together to celebrate at the awards ceremony, hosted by Hindustan Times and sponsored by huge brands such as Pepsi and Orbit, it was a good night to be had by all, including all the restaurant nominees.

The Quick Change Artists, flew in from London to perform their amazingly, colourful act as the finale to the awards.

The International Duo, had no time to spend in India as they flew straight back to London and then straight on to Cairo for another event.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Dress Change Duo perform for Unilever Product Launch in India

The Quick Dress Change Duo are heading back to India after just 2 days back in the U.K to work once again for one of India's largest corporate companies - Hindustan Unilever.

The International Quick Change Artists returned from India on Saturday after completing a 4 city tour for Ultra-Tech Cement's annual industry awards in Goa, Jaipur, Agra and Delhi. They also managed to fit in a quick trip to the Taj Mahal whilst out in India. Despite being a regular International Act to India this is the first time the quick change couple made it to the spectacular temple!

They are now heading back to Mumbai to work for Hindustan Unilever who booked them for their first trip to India back in November. The costume change act fits in perfectly with the launch of the new product as their dress change act conveys the message of change in a fantastically visual way!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Change Artists on Facebook

The British Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie are now on Facebook so you can follow their travels, see their show photos, latest videos and news updates even easier. The Quick Change Artists page allows people to become fans of the costume change act and post comments onto the page. They will be updating the page regularly with their latest show schedules and quick change news.

To become a fan - visit their Facebook book page - Quick Change Artists.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Quick Change Artists perform in Europe!

Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie, the UK's only Quick Change Act have just got back from performing their quick change magic and illusion show in Rome, Italy last weekend.

The British couple who have been performing the Quick Change Act for around 4 years enjoyed a short trip to Italy last weekend, which made a pleasant change to perform in Europe.

The Quick Change Artists spend most of their time outside the UK as there is a high demand for their incredible dress change magic in Asia, especially in India. Keelan and Charlotte find themselves, frequently flying back and forth from India to perform at so many different corporate events and parties.

To perform in Rome, Italy was a lovely change. A short flight and a short trip made it very enjoyable. The event was put on by General Motors as a celebration for their Asian Pacific top sales people.

The event was held in a beautiful villa overlooking the whole of the city of Rome. The Quick Change Artists were booked to perform two acts - the Origami Illusion as the opening for the show and their quick change act as the closer to the show. The majority of the audience did not speak English, so being that both acts are so visual, they went down a storm!

After the show over the weekend, the Quick Change Artists took a couple of extra days to explore the ancient city and had a fantastic time.

Next stop... India - 5 shows for ESPN!

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