Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quick Change Artists drive from UK to Sweden to fulfill Paper Conference Event!

The International Quick Change Artists have just returned after a very long road trip to Sweden! Since the volcanic eruption and the problems with the flights occurring close to this last event the costume change artists - Keelan and Charlotte decided it would be safer to make alternative travel arrangements in order to ensure they made it to the Paper Conference in time for their performance at the gala dinner.

Keelan and Charlotte set off from the UK on Friday night to catch the overnight ferry from Harwich to Hoek of Holland, then drove from Holland to Gothenburg, North Sweden on Saturday totally 13 hours drive. The event was held on Monday night in the SAS Radisson Hotel combined with the dinner in an old style restaurant come theatre which was 200 years old. The Quick Change Artists performed after the main course for the guests and the theme of "Change" was one that was very happy to be taken on after much controversy surrounding the recent paper strikes in Sweden. The delegates enjoyed the show and expressed their amazement when the Quick Change Artists got to meet some of them after the event.

Shortly after the Quick Change Performance, Keelan and Charlotte headed back onto the road in order to catch the Tuesday overnight ferry back to the UK.

Despite the extremely long road trip, when it should have been a very short flight, the Quick Change Artists appreciated a change from the normal "airport routine" and got to drive across 4 different countries and saw the more scenic route of them all!

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