Monday, February 15, 2010

Costume Change Act used for Marketing Campaign – Kuwait – Feb 10

The Quick Change Artists have just recently returned for a fleeting trip to Kuwait where they were booked to perform their amazing costume change act.

They were booked as part of a promotional and marketing campaign – the event was held in a cinema which made it really different and many large name brands were exhibiting at the event. The Quick Change Artists, were brought in to entertain the invited guests with their jaw dropping performance, however there was an extra twist in this quick change act – the final costume had been adapted to incorporate one of the event sponsors logo. Mobile phone giant – Zain – formally known as Vodafone in Kuwait. The reaction to the final dress change was outstanding when the audience saw the branded dress they went crazy!

The Quick Change Show went down fantastically and the branding on the dress makes another USP for International Costume Change Artists – Keelan and Charlotte!

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