Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quick Change Artists appear and consult for Deodorant TV Ad!

Back in November, Keelan and Charlotte the UK's premier Quick Change Artists were contacted for their expertise in Magic and Quick Change to help out with the latest Rexona/Sure deodorant television advert.

After many weeks of meetings and consultations regarding the feasibilty of the quick change, the advert was shot in November in a London television studio.
The client insisted that the quick change had to be done for real and that no camera tricks were to be used. Keelan performed in the advert along with a female dancer. Charlotte consulted on the project and trained Stephania (the female dancer) to perform the quick costume change and some of the moves she uses in the show.

Sure/Rexona is a product of consumer giant Unilever. Keelan and Charlotte had already performed for Unilever at the end of 2008 with their Quick Change Magic act in India. You can see the full finished advert above by clicking play.

Abracadabra Magic Show, Cairo, Egypt

Keelan and Charlotte, the UK's only Quick Change Artists have just returned from Cairo, Egypt after appearing in a 4 show, magic spectacular along with the most famous illusionists in the world, the Pendragons!

This magic show was the first of its kind to be held in Egypt and the organisers took a large risk putting the show on but it definitely paid off as the four shows were sold out! The magic show was held at the Cairo Exhibition Centre and seated 2000 people. The people of Egypt, weren't really sure what to expect but their reaction has proved the success of the show, which is in talks of putting together more later in the year, also in the neighbouring countries. It was a first for the Egyptians to see quick change, illusions and sleight of hand.

The line up for the show was put together by David Lai, famous Mentalism from Maylasia and directed by Maylasian Illusionist, Kenneth Wong. The line up for the show was the US comedy magician - Jay Mattioli, Aerial Artist and Magician - Kristi Toguchi - The World Famous Illusionists -The Pendragons and of course us, Quick Change Artists - Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie!

The Pendragons, performed several spots in the show including the Fire Basket, the Broomstick Levitation and they closed the show with their incredible Metamphorsis Illusion which is absolutely mindblowing!

The group got on so well and the trip was a pleasure for everyone to be involved in. We met some amazing people, including the other performers, the organisers and the helpers for the show.

One of the shows was in aid of Orphans Day which is held on the first Friday of every April. The theatre was packed out with over 2000 orphans, who were brought to watch the show. We got to meet so many of them after the show, which actually was heart breaking, but we were pleased that we got to show them the Quick Change as it was something they wouldn't have seen before!

We just want to say a massive thank you to everyone involved with Abracadabra, it was incredible meeting you all and we hope that we will see you later in the year for a tour of the magic show!

Below are photos of our trip to Egypt!

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UK Quick Change Artists tour of India

At the beginning on March, Keelan Leyser and Charlotte Marie, the UK's leading quick change magicians headed back over to India for a four city tour for TV giant Viacom 18!
The quick change artists covered Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore and Culcutta over 12 days and performed for over 10,000 people in the duration.

The events were to celebrate the merging of several TV groups to form the One Alliance Group which included Viacom 18. The events were huge and had over 50 Indian models and over 100 Indian dancers including some of the most famous Bollywood stars. The Quick Change Artists were the only International act appearing in the show and went down a storm!

You can see more pictures from the show in New Delhi at ... why not become a a facebook fan to see future updates!